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abbeylee90 | 16:31 Thu 12th Oct 2023 | Family & Relationships
43 Answers

I might be overreacting but this man I volunteer with takes me out alot bought me a watch ⌚️ and asked me to this rock cocnert. He 60+ and 31. Do you think he has some crush on me as he also said I might not like him by this time next year 



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^ I took that to mean he thinks she might go off him - which is why I said she might be sending  the wrong signals.

I'm still puzzled as to why Abbey lets this man 'take her out a lot' after she'd managed to get him to back off a bit. Maybe her signals are not as clear as they could be...

Not everyone knows semaphore.

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I did ask and he didn't respond just sent a laughing emoji. I should have said I could very well have a partner by then 

He sounds a confusing character , not giving you straight answers

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Well if I did get one I'd be hanging out with him less

Just make it clear to him that you're only a friend.

Abbey, I'm just curious - why are you still letting this man 'take you out a lot'? 

Keeps her off the streets I suppose.

Abbeylee/ I look back to when I was 30  -  I don't think I would have gone out with a man of 60 unless he was someone very special to me and I don't get the impression this man seems "special" to you.  It's only fair to make him understand, in no uncertain terms, that you don't want to be involved with him - and return the watch.  Maybe you could volunteer to another 
kennel set-up where you would not see him?

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I says I got plans sometimes. What would happen if I had a partner?

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All the other dogs home are to far out. It's not an expensive watch 

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I offered to pay for the watch

What does your mother or any other family member think of the situation, abbey.

I don't think you should be going out with him just because you don't have a partner

Abbey, you said the man was 'doing your head in, grabbing at you..', you said someone told you he was 'a pig'... so I just don't see how you can let him 'take you out' even just sometimes!

You could ask him whether your Mum could come with you both to the concert. His reaction would give you an idea of whether he just wants your company or wants something more serious.

Abbey   do you discuss any of this with your friends.  Better than discussing it on here.  We are generally of pension age and above and perhaps somewhat out of touch.  Personally, my thought is that the age difference isn't a worry, but you need to be more bold and assertive with your thoughts and tell him outright you only see him as a good friend and make it clear.  At the moment you aren't being very kind to him.  As you know him quite well by now I wouldn't have any worries about not being safe getting in a car with him.  He's  not a stranger.  At 31 should be able to cope with situations like this and not need parental approval about jobs etc.  But I don't know your circumstances and I might be wrong.  Are you basically shy with not a lot of confidence in yourself.  By all means go to the concert but let him know it's just on a friendly basis.  Please talk to your friends about this.  

"You could ask him whether your Mum could come with you both to the concert. His reaction would give you an idea of whether he just wants your company or wants something more serious."

Maybe its her mum he likes..

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Yes because I have experienced telling parents before I've lost my job and they said basically don't go for that job or go to mcdonald's which I don't like.

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I don't have alot of luck with guys lately so I do lack confidence 

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