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Do I Take This Job?

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abbeylee90 | 18:59 Fri 12th Jan 2024 | Family & Relationships
182 Answers

I been offered a job as a cleaner in a school 20 hours per week Monday to Friday 20 hours per week.



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Not sure.

Care home cut my hours.

That why I'm asking if I put on my CV  I've left the care home why do I say I left?

You could phone the Care Home and ask them  the reason why they cut your hours.

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They said 30 hours wasn't working for me I've put on here 

Abbey - we do  get a bit muddled with your answers sometimes.  Please be a  bit more careful about punctuation, who you are addressing etc..  What grade GCSE did you get, as a matter of interest?  It  could help in understanding job requirements - e.g. would an office-job suit you?  :)


Abbey, so long as you know the '30 hours wasn't working for me' is a very euphemistic version. It must be a bit scary for you, having employers saying you're not up to the job (various jobs), and that's what makes me wonder why you're still going after cleaning jobs!

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GCSEs in what?

I did cleaning in McDonald's for 5 years.

English, abbey- you've said before it was your best subject and you passed it at GCSE? You were ine ducation to age 21- did you do A levels or pass any BTech type qualifications?

Abbey, the cleaning you did in McDonalds didn't help at all in the care home nor in the cleaning firm. The former cut your hours by two-thirds and the latter moved you away from cleaning duties. There must have been different duties, different skills, whatever.

abbey- they are talking about dyspraxia now on the One Show

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I got an A in English. What different skills? Mcdonalds don't really train you or check 

Sorry Abbey I should have explained that the care home would ask why they cut your hours.

lets face it you know why they cut your hours 

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Only seen some of it

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Redhelen but how do I would for any future interviews

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*word it

You got an A in English? The mind boggles. Really.

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That was years ago

Oh, by that logic then we all enter old age illiterate and devoid of basic skills.

Abbey, the care home and the cleaning firm obviously expected a certain standard of work from their employees. Even when your hours were cut, in the care home, you didn't show enough of an improvement for them to increase your hours, let alone offer you a full-time job. Your time at the cleaning company has followed a similar path.

That's impressive, abbey. An A is better than I got in English Language - I managed a '3' under the old numbers system, equivalent to a B, although I was only 14 (not quite 15 ) when I sat it.

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That because I wasn't doing any rooms just stairs my stupid fault for not leaving straight away 

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