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Am I Spoiled?

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Nasate | 23:21 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
15 Answers

I'm 18 years old and have nice electronics and come from a well-off family. I usually get my way. My parents pay for most of my expenses, but I don't think I ask for much. I am excelling at university and make sure to work hard there.

(Please note that this is a fetish question and you are not obliged to answer)



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Exactly how like a fet is it?

What is a fetish question??  But yes you are spoiled as you are asking.  Maybe get a job?

What's a fetish question?

I really need an urban dictionary. I can't keep up.

Tell us much more about this fetish business.  I ask on purely for academic interests.

you could be the next Bill Gates?

Explain fetish question

It's like a fet question, but not quite.

A Brief History of Fetish

When fetish first appeared in English in the early 17th century, it referred to objects (often amulets) believed by certain West Africans to have supernatural powers. During the 19th century, the word took on a broader meaning: "an object of irrational devotion or reverence." The object need not be physical: a person may have a fetishfor an idea, such as an unwarranted belief that a particular economic system will solve society’s ills. By the early 20th century, fetish took on yet another meaning quite distinct from its antecedents: a sexualized desire for an object (such as a shoe) or for a body part that is not directly related to the reproductive act (such as an earlobe).

I not sure being spoiled is fetish but who knows in todays world

Bring out the vibrators - my mind is already buzzing.....

Question Author

Since people are asking a "fetish question" is a question that solicits fetish content from others in the form of a question. I simply thought it is important to be honest about the nature of my question and what it entails. 

I think you've come to the wrong site.

Most of us consider having fresh cream AND ice cream on hot sticky toffee pudding to be a fetish.

Or putting slippers on without warming them.

Or wearing sandals without socks.

Or wearing sandals with socks... 😉 Ooo 

It takes an exhibitionist to put his horrible, corny, hairy toes on display in sandals. You wouldn't catch me doing it. Socks and suspenders with sandals.

Question Author

Sandals and socks are an unforgivable crime so they say...

Anything other is indecency

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Am I Spoiled?

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