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Power Wheels Car

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SarahGarza88 | 09:28 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
5 Answers

For those of you who don’t know, my 7years old daughter Clara has extreme dwarfism and is 1’7” tall at 19 pounds. I am very nervous to make this post given The backlash I received, so please don’t be rude on this post. I was thinking it would be really cool to get her a Power wheels car. Could it be modified though in order to For her to Able to drive it? what did we do so that Clara would be able to reach and use everything comfortably?

EDIT-I just wanted to add that it would be great if she could do everything, I mean… This is going to be her power wheels so she should be able to do everything from getting in to driving around.



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Had to look up what a power wheels car was.


I think an expert would need to ìnvestigate both the car you were considering and the limitations your daughter has in order to give a valid opinion.


That stated, cushion on seat, any controls built up, it may well be possible. Perhaps enquire with the manufacturer for their view first ?

in all honesty, i wouldn't give control of one of those things to ANY 7 year old

Question Author

They're meant for kids though. A lot of kids enjoy them

not in the UK IMO (unless a child is really spoiled)

The OP is currently suspended, so I'm closing this thread.

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