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Guess Who Is Back

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Canary42 | 12:00 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

After a long forced absence thanks to the incompetence of my ISP (exacerbated by a total PC meltdown, including Password Manager so lost all passwords), I am at last once again able to access Answerbank (with much help from Ed - thank you for that Ed).  I look forward to some entertaining, interesting, and fun exchanges with you all once again.  Just give me a little time to catch up.



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Hello again! Good to have you back.

Canary you being missed old bird.

When you said, 'Guess who is back', I thought oh no, not Liz Truss!

Welcome back Canary. Glad you're all sorted

Hello, chuck :D

Welcome back were missed.

I'm glad that you are back Canary.

Too many people are disappearing from the site, some are not missed and some, like yourself, are. x

Glad you got it sorted out.

Hallo Canary - welcome back x

Welcome back, Canary.

Why'd it take so long? Surely you just click the forgotten password link and reset, sorted!

So very pleased to have you back Canary! A lot of us thought you must be ill or worse! Welcome back! 😃

The best news I've read today - was worried about you.  See you on the Clue Chain, hopefully. 😊 🐤 x

Question Author

TTT: I did that for most of the sites (and what a bind it was) but for some reason Answerbank failed me - it either kept looping round set new password and checking identity, or just failed to gel.  By an extraordinary coincidence, shortly after I set up under a new user name but before I started posting under it, the   latest password link Ed sent me for here actually worked.  

great welcome back, I thought you were ill. Missed you, really 😉

Welcome back.  😁

Nice to see you have managed to get back in :)

Thought you'd join a monastery. 😇

Herzlich willkommen !

Good to see you back

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