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fruitsalad | 18:11 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
8 Answers

Does a single mother with 2 children, who doesn't work get in benefits, does anyone know



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Thank you scorp for the link, as I thought, Grandaughters mother receiving all this help and she doesn't even live with her.

Out of interest, how much is it please?

Is any maintenance paid by her ex taken in to account?

Sorry, I've just read your previous post and remember mow that your granddaughter lives with you

Time you told the DWP and started claiming for her if her parents aren't giving you enough money to support her. 

Good morning,

if the child's parents are claiming benefits based on the child living with either of them they are committing fraud. 

Put a claim in for child benefit that will pause the mother's benefit whilst it is investigated, if and when found in your favour you can claim other benefits that you are entitled to 

Probably too much.

But the figure that's relevant is not her total benefits but how much more she's getting by claiming for the two children.  I hope you can get it sorted.

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