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Was This Guy Being Fair?

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abbeylee90 | 12:05 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
66 Answers

Basically this guy was interested in my friend last weekend. We all shared a taxi and my friend was going to use him to pay for our taxi, when she told him she wasn't interested he then asked for mine and her half, we she paid him for ours incase he went knocking on her door as she asked the taxi to park down the road so he didn't know where she lived but taxi followed her. He asked to go all the way to his then she told him she not interested. 



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Abbey, you should never expect to be paid for.

The guy was being entirely fair,  Your friend doesn't sound very nice, abbey. 

Your friend is a chancer, Abbey.

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Scorpio No he just said we haven't been for Sunday lunch somewhere for a year and he always bottom of my list!

Thanks, Abbey. It was odd for you to say that the care home guy 'always pays' for you, and then say that you haven't been anywhere with him for over a year!

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It's the dogs home guy and he messaged me saying it 

Sorry, Abbey, I meant the dog home guy - and I still don't think him 'always paying' for you has anything to do with your question (other than wondering if a part of you expects men to pay all the time?)

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Yes I don't know how to ask the question in another thread 

You're not making things easy for us to follow.

Why did you say "Yes I don't know how to ask the question in another thread "

This thread is about  who should pay for a taxi ride. There's no need to bring up the dogs' home guy here. Start another thread if you want to talk about him yet again and don't feel your getting enough attention.



^you're not your

Of course the chap was being fair, both the girls in this story come across very badly and very cheap!

The female of the species is more deadly than the male.

Maybe in your experience, douglas, not mine

"my friend was going to use him to pay for our taxi"

somewhat venal, innit ?

There's no need to bring up the dogs' home guy here.

yes there is -  they're all barking !  ter daaah !

Thanks for that, Barry.

o god everyone is so super sensitive this afternoon

I think some of Abby's questions make people super sensitive.  What's next I wonder?

"What top shall I wear to this interview?"   ??

What nasty company you keep.  She's asking for trouble too, as Barry has said, not all men are nice.

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