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Was This Guy Being Fair?

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abbeylee90 | 12:05 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
66 Answers

Basically this guy was interested in my friend last weekend. We all shared a taxi and my friend was going to use him to pay for our taxi, when she told him she wasn't interested he then asked for mine and her half, we she paid him for ours incase he went knocking on her door as she asked the taxi to park down the road so he didn't know where she lived but taxi followed her. He asked to go all the way to his then she told him she not interested. 



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Oh definitely I think most aren't these days 

and what about you abbeylee90 - has your question been answered?

What do you think about the guy being fair?

Two girls pick up a guy hoping for a free ride home then think he's being unfair because he realises he's been led on , pays half the taxi fare anyway, and you say HE'S being unfair. We had a word for girls like you when I was younger, rhymes with sock sneezers, the oldies on here will know what I mean. Until you start acting like a grown up you will continue to attract the wrong sort of man. 

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I don't mean him mean like guys I've met recently 

ha aunty - in my day it rhymed with brick sneezers

A brick in a sock is a deadly weapon.

Why has nobody picked up on this bit:

"she asked the taxi to park down the road so he didn't know where she lived but taxi followed her."

When I read that first bit I thought "good idea", but then the "taxi followed her" set alarm bells ringing.

Followed her to be creepy or to make sure a young woman got home safely at silly o clock in the morning?

Perhaps the driver just continued down the road as it was the quickest/easiest way? I'm not sure why they'd share a taxi with this man if she didn't want him to know where she lived. 🤷

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I said he might have told the driver to follow her.

Oh for goodnes sake! And you knew your friend was trying to use him to get her(and you) a free lift home. 

Whatever - it is stupid behaviour.  Abby, you need to dump your friend if she is trying to use men like that.

Life has changed.  Just before my day a chap paid for a date's expenses, but whilst boys/men were courteous enough to offer, any girl was ready to pick up the bill.  I know that on my first date I let him pay my bus fare, but insisted on paying for my own cinema ticket and ice-cream (those were the days eh!).

Nowadays - you share - perhaps he can buy the drinks if he asked you out.  Your 'friend' sounds like a nasty piece of work to me. You don't 'use' people.

The taxi bit - Abbey, I'm really not happy about the people you hang out with. Take care.

Were you still in the taxi at this point abbey? If so, did you hear him tell the driver to follow her? 

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I didn't know no was shocked she went for someone like him. No I got dropped home first.

This is the friend that my other friend use to slag off now licks her a**

You didn't know what?

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She was using him. She asked if he could use my loo and I said no.

You said at the beginning of your post 

//We all shared a taxi and my friend was going to use him to pay for our taxi//

//This is the friend that my other friend use to slag off now licks her a**//

You sound very bitter, abbey. Some might say bitter and twisted

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Yeah she said after she jumped out the taxi to use my loo.

You said she sounded the bitter one.

This is all getting garbled again, I'll leave it to those who can make sense of it

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