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Is It Wrong That Me And My Work Colleuge Held Hands When Walking To The Pub Together He's Married

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abbeylee90 | 19:52 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
65 Answers

We are very good friends but meant nothing to me. It was his leaving do I messaged him after I got home to make sure he got home ok.



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Oh my goodness did he take advantage of you?

It was awkward what to say? Try ' get off idiot' 😂😂😂

Were any others holding hands in case they got lost ?


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No he didn't take advantage.

Agree with Auntypoll and everyone else.

if I found out that my husband walked to a works do(or any do) holding another woman's hand I would cut his goolies off! 
Stop being an idiot Abbey! He's a married man! 

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No apart from the husband and wife.

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We are just friends will forget about it now as we said won't happen again.

Anyway thought I seen my friend who has a partner and her friend who's married kissing but oh well none of my business.

Yeah of course you did, are you trying detraction now?

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Well I think I did anyway 

DDIL - think we are all starting to think the same thing now........ 

Smow 🤭

"we said won't happen again" does that mean the two of you discussed the hand holding? That makes it even worse. 

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No I haven't discussed anything with him.

Why would it happen again abbey? I thought it was HIS leaving do? Are you arranging to meet again? He's after one thing and it's not a walk in the park holding hands. For Funks Sake woman !

'My wife doesn't let me out, and btw shall we hold hands incase we get lost....'......... 🤣

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Auntypol incase someone else leaves and he comes such as mine.

Abbey, I too am curious - how and when did you get on to discussing whether it should 'happen again'? 

'Auntypol incase someone else leaves and he comes such as mine.'

what? Why would someone who,has left a company come back for some one else's leaving party? You've lost the plot and I've lost the will to live 😂😂😂😂

Auntypoll 20.24.  You asked me 'what's your option Naomi?'  

I'd opt not to hold hands with a married man - unless he was my dad.  


Abbey, if you didn't know it was wrong you wouldn't be asking.  

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Is It Wrong That Me And My Work Colleuge Held Hands When Walking To The Pub Together He's Married

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