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Is It Wrong That Me And My Work Colleuge Held Hands When Walking To The Pub Together He's Married

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abbeylee90 | 19:52 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
65 Answers

We are very good friends but meant nothing to me. It was his leaving do I messaged him after I got home to make sure he got home ok.



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Exactly Naomi!

Auntypoll -  deep breaths, deep breaths lol.......

Auntypoll, I've gone back for ex- colleagues leaving bashes - and for Christmas parties. It's not unheard of.   Perhaps it's best you've lost the will to live.  Your abundant use of emojis suggests you're succumbing to hysteria.

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No-one is forced to contribute to this or any other thread so rather than posting only to mump about there being a thread, just ignore it.

It really isn't that difficult!

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Is It Wrong That Me And My Work Colleuge Held Hands When Walking To The Pub Together He's Married

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