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I'm Really Worried I Have Upset My Friend??

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abbeylee90 | 20:58 Sun 10th Nov 2024 | Family & Relationships
137 Answers

Tonight I went out with my friend for the rugby and we were chatting to these guys and my mum messaged me asking when I was I home and got abit snappy with the guys so my friend messaged me after saying she dint like it and felt I had to pay them back when it wasn't her round. His friend came back in after going outside I apologised right away but friend still wasn't happy and messaged me about it  afterwards.



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She doesn't know and it was me and her. Let's hope she don't jibber on about it I apologised and said no when they last offered a drink.

Sounds like a playground spat between two 5 year olds

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I didn't want them to keep buying drinks as I got work this morning.

That's fine, Abbey - but please move on from it now, it's not worth spending any more time and thoughts on it!

In future if anyone offers to buy you a drink and you don't want to because you have work the following day, you just need to say

No thank you, I have an early start tomorrow

There is no need to snap at anyone or fall out with anyone and really no need for drama.

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I did say no when he last offered 

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Would any of you hold that against your friend?

Abbey, no - I'd have initially been annoyed (at you being snappy just because your mum texted you), but I'd have been fine five minutes later!


Not having to buy someone I don't know very well a drink? No, not in the least.


Tell her to umm... mention the fact that she is wrong in her opinion and you have no desire to discuss it further.

No, but it sounds like you were both on the pull and your friend is probably annoyed that you may have ruined her chance.

But the more you fuss and fluff over it the worse it will be for you.

So in the words of that great movie 'Frozen'

Let It Go!

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She got a partner 

OK - I am walking away!

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Probably slag me off to her other friends

Life is too short to try to decipher this post. 

Are her other friends your friends, abbey?

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Kind of met them loads of times.

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Sorry she said one I was horrible to had gone it was his mate I apologised to.

Abbey, what's done is done.  You can't change it.  You've probably taken it to heart more than necessary.  It will blow over - and if it doesn't you have other friends.  If friends are really friends they don't fall out over something like that.  If they're not really your friends you don't need them anyway.

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I suppose it would be different if they were her friends?

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I'm Really Worried I Have Upset My Friend??

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