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I'm Really Worried I Have Upset My Friend??

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abbeylee90 | 20:58 Sun 10th Nov 2024 | Family & Relationships
137 Answers

Tonight I went out with my friend for the rugby and we were chatting to these guys and my mum messaged me asking when I was I home and got abit snappy with the guys so my friend messaged me after saying she dint like it and felt I had to pay them back when it wasn't her round. His friend came back in after going outside I apologised right away but friend still wasn't happy and messaged me about it  afterwards.



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You don't have to drink it, abbey.  Stick to soft drinks in future.  Alcohol in excess makes fools of people.  It's not big or clever.

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If I didn't have work might have been OK, they bought us three pints.

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Went out for a hen on Saturday and was fine

The weekend must have cost you a week's wages.

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Wasn't to bad tbh. 

I'll look in on your jobs thread to see if you posted to say whether you had the look around Baileys we suggested to help you reach a decision, and been in touch with the company about your decision, but I guess you were too busy on social events this weekend.

Abbey, have you told Baileys you're not taking the job?

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Not yet and not been on the thread

If there's a list of reserves for that job, do you not think the next in line would like the opportunity to accept that vacancy ASAP?

I think it's more important to tell Baileys about your decision tonight rather than dwell on this drink and friends issue. I won't mention it here but hopefully you'll update your job thread.

Abbey, phone Baileys right now.  It's not fair to them if you don't.  You've no excuse for not making a two minute phone call.

The new Bailey's Cardiff Facebook page looks good with manager/owner thanking all staff for great opening. He also explains that they do indeed sell out of date food items which they are allowed to do. 

One customer praised a young girl working at one of counters and said she was helpful and polite. 

abbeylee; you should do as naomi says;

naomi. re that problem, what come between 'unknown' and '@'

I'll try it when I'm on my desktop tomorrow Khandro.

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Isn't it to late to accept now notice wise to selco.

You said Monday was your last day for giving notice.  If you've changed your mind again you'd best make a dash to Selco now and hand it in.

n. send it to this thead please.  Apologies to OP

Khandro, I don't know what you mean.  How can I send anything to a thread?


Sorry, abbey, bear with us.

n. just put what symbol comes between 'unknown' and '@' within one of your posts on this thread.

eg. the symbol is x 

More apolgies, it's a silly game we are playing.


You'll forgive me if I pass on that, khandro.

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