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going on holiday

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stepina | 20:26 Thu 08th Feb 2007 | Family & Relationships
3 Answers
what are the medical implications if I take my 3 year old great niece on holiday to Tunisia, with full permission of her mother.


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I have no idea what the medical and/or legal situation is regarding taking your great-niece on a holiday to Tunisia is. However, I do have to ask you why on earth you would want to take a baby on such a long trip. You suggest that it is a holiday. How can it be a holiday when you are going to have to be in constant care of the baby. and the baby is certainly not going to be considering it as a holiday: she will not have any comprehension or memory of the great sights she is being taken to.
i have no idea of the implications either, but just wanted to say have a great time. I hope youre not going in the height of the summer though as when i went in july the temp was 120 degrees! Maybe not so nice for a 3 year old.
Either way, its a great beach holiday and i hope your neice has fun.
just wanted to say that we took our daughter to tunisia when she was 20 months and she loved it! people over there love babies and cant do enough to help you, just make sure that you pack plenty of mossy cream thats suitible for her as some places have indoor pools which can mean mossy's.
have a great time!
we wish we were going again it was that nice!

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