I do it because I can see two routes which she can take and I am scared of her taking the wrong one. I also do it because I love her. It is so easy for children to make the wrong decision when they think that they are an adult and invincible. You want nothing to ever hurt them or upset them and this is the stage at which you have to start letting them go and be their own person.
Cos we love them its as simple as that and we want to protect them no matter what age, its a womans/mum instinct, if we wasn't protective then i dont think we would be very good mums.
Because we have done or tried to do exactly what you're attempting when we were your age, we can see the pitfalls ahead of you and want to protect you from them.
It's called being a mum and loving you, when you're one, you'll truly understand.
I am a mum and yes i'm protective but they are very young. I understand what you mean and i do think that as children get older, in their teens they should be able to make their own descions and make their own mistakes. I think its important for later on in life. I know my mum worried about me a lot when i was a teenager but she did let me get on with it more or less. I think even when she hated my boyfriends she never said, i soon realised myself!
Its a natural mothering instinct to be protective and it happens from the moment your child is born. I'm sure as they get older its hard to let go but it is important.
It comes with the job description, my mum said I became more troublesome once I grew up and left home, cos she couldn't see what I was doing.
A mum has to balance the letting you make mistakes with not identifying your body in the morgue. It's a tough call sometime and you only get one mum, so cut her some slack. She's only trying to luck out for you.
When my boys were teens I allowed them freedom with responsibility. I felt it was my job as a parent to protect them from making the wrong decisions. When you are young it is often difficult to know what to do in certain situations. You think nothing can happen to you, There are people who would take advantage of this. Mums are there to teach and protect, and one day maybe not now but in the future you will thank her.