Good morning Flolo!
Thanks to the kindness of another Ab�er (Thank you WHickerman!!) I was sent the link to your query.
Absolutely! Is the answer! I�m delighted that we�re listed in the latest edition of the Lonely Planet Guide for Romania and Moldova. I haven�t seen it yet, but I hope the editor had the space to detail the necessary requirements.
But simply, provided your CRB documents are up-to-date I�m delighted to have you come. We desperately need help in our homes, at our school and in the villages. In fact, I feel you would be an angel of mercy in the city�s central hospital! The director and I spoke about this every thing about 90 days ago.
May I ask please, that you write me through our web-site:
[email protected] . It may take a day or so for me to receive it as I have volunteers who sort through the voluminous mail we receive. But if you�d kindly put in the subject line: For Father Bill, it will get to me. I�d give you my personal address here, but I �think� we�re not permitted to do so. And I don�t wish to be banned simply for being an idiot. (although I�m sure there have been suggestions!)
I would also add, that it has always been my wish to have medically qualified staff at our summer camp programmes. However, I�m not certain how rugged you are. A Summer Camp in a country that is struggling through poverty has no comparison with a Summer Camp in the Lake District!
Thank you for your kindness. I look forward to hearing from you!
Fr. Bill