Stephen Green, Director of Christian Voice, has complained to the Advertising Standards Agency, saying that the slogan on the Atheist buses - 'There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life' - breaks the ASA's codes on substantiation and truthfulness. s-releases/stephen-green-challenges-atheist-bu s-adverts-bha-responds-$1259438$365873.htm This is the same man who opposed the HPV vaccine on the grounds that it would encourage promiscuity (thereby leaving girls at risk of cervical cancer), who attempted to have Jerry Springer, the Opera, banned, and who was arrested for distributing anti-homosexual literature at a gay rally.
Ironically, this quote comes from Stephen Green.
'It is preposterous for the ASA to think they can outlaw Christian freedom of speech and free expression of opinion.'
Mmm ..... but it's not preposterous for him to wish to outlaw everybody else's right to freedom of speech and free expression of opinion, it seems.
Personally, I find people like Stephen Green to be not only incredibly arrogant, but tiresome in the extreme, and in some instances, positively dangerous. Nothing would ever induce me to deem anything such people have to say worthy of serious consideration, so my question is, do those who feel they are qualified to continually preach religion in an attempt to impose their will on everyone else do more harm than good to the cause they are championing - religion?