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Oh fook

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knobbynonut5 | 18:59 Sun 03rd May 2009 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Its my sons 21st birthday today and I have only just remembered it.

I blame his mum for not telling me.

He is cool about it though and have just phoned him.



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knobby please tell me you're joking....
You hero.
Hey! Pea penis is back! How the fluck do forget your sons birthday? Sh1tty parenting thats how! Or was you lost in your own world in some kind of swashbuckling adventure with your new pirate sword and a cardboard box in the garden as your ship?
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No kraft for once in my life on here I am serious and gutted as well.

I could have been at south woodham ferrers now in the pub with him.

Oh sh1t
well noddynoodle that's a bit OTT.....but I get the gist...
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Thought that this would attract the trolls.

Not you of course krafty
You hero, you forgot your own son's birthday, now you try to make mileage out of it on a website packed with strangers. God you are a prat.
Knobby- grrrrrh

At least you've rung him now though

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Kraft the trick is on here is when youi see a name that is a troll name just dont read the crap that they say.





Thats the truth whiffey,and i bet you the p1llock remembers his dogs birthday! This cretins action beggars disbelief!
maybe we make more of things than the kids do....I know nowadays 18 is the big one. I was ill around the time of my daughter's last birthday, managed to send her an on-line card but was upset 'cos I couldn't get her a present......she couldn't have given a monkeys.......
Yes of course knobby, sorted.

What do you do when, despite your sword slashes and awesome threats, and in defiance of your ORDERS, they continue to post?

SMSL!!!!! Brains are things that never happened to you.

Agree Craft - it's often like that

No point beating yourself up you've called him
whiffy family?

too far

step back from the keyboard

broke the rule mate

-- answer removed --
But still, a 21st birthday is special- isnt it?

Got to be honest knobby, it's beyond me how you can forget your own son's birthday.

Is it too late to go now for a few celebratory drinks with him? It's only 7.15, better late than never.
What rule fatty?
whiffy broke the rule.

truly pathetic have you no morals ?

anything for a laugh eh ?

you pathetic disgusting old man.
What rule did I break legolard, and how?

Off you go messiah.
And to blame his mum for not telling him. Typical man! Trust him to blame the wife.

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