Are you a stalker? in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Are you a stalker?

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noway2 | 01:01 Sat 04th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Do you creep around your ex partner,even thougt you know it's OVER.
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No, because I don't have an ex-partner. Well, I suppose I have, several in fact, but I haven't seen any of them for donkeys years.
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good grief..............no I've always traded up.....
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yeah bez,happened on here CB.Watch this thread.
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oh girl we all do that.Grrrrrrrrrrr to text.craft I know your classy.
well noway..........if you start at the bottom....the only way is up.....
so whos being stalked and whos the stalker...gossip please!
Are noway2 and MissNoway the same person?
possibly mrs.c......but I think Miss got banned....obviously for overposting....
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Yes Mr chappy,but dont tell the ED.
I'm friends with some exes, but they never meant anything much. It was al ages ago now. If I contact any, my husband knows about it - because it's probs to invite them to a party or something.
no never,once the relationship is over what's the point in creeping around them.

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