Hannah, all I can tell you is my own experience and it was probably the opposite of your's! My daughter walked unaided at 8 months! Yes 8 months, it was great but also awful, she was so tiny and yet walking, I heard one woman in the street say to another 'oh look at that woman with the midget baby'. My son walked at 10 months, I put it down to the fact that I used to put them in one of those swings you put in the doorway, they could feel their feet and loved it, neither of them had any qualms about 'letting go' of the furniture. Your son will walk unaided when he's good and ready and you say he is already using furniture and your hand, don't put unnecessary pressure on the both of you, I am sure the baby clinic will put your mind at rest....anyway....who know's...he may just start as we speak! Good luck because when he does you'll be running around after him!