help please ! i was issued with court proceedings for overnight contact of my grandson to his mother whom i have residency of and have done for 3 years he is almost 5 now. she served a prison term for failure to protect and has had contact as i have always promoted this she is his mother after all and only lives around the corner from me.
however she has had another baby who is on a care plan and she originally wanted over night ever other week.
but over the last 3 years she has lied and done some awful things i have kept a diary and had all teh evidence to use against her but she has shone her blue eyes and has manged to blag the social worker and staged the assesments.
they all beleive her not us even when faced with the evidence.
we had our final hearing and the barristors negotiated in the end i said we are getting no where she is getting everything again what about my grandson he wasn't even taken into account his father who he has a wonderful relationship now has no contact.
she has ended up with every weekend now.
i am at a loss as to what to do and am even prepared to represent my self in court but am not sure how to do this forms etc
any advice out there would be greatly appreciatted
many thanks