Hi - my friend's husband turns his little son upside down in play. He is a year old. Wot does anyone think of that. It is all done in play, but Im not sure how the little boy must feel. I certainly wouldnt do it to my child - wot do you think? Could it be harmful?
I always played with my kids by dangling them upside down - they loved it and would fight each other out of the way to get in first! Much safer in my opinion than swinging them by the arms - my sister dislocated her little girls arm doing that!
My boys would still have that done today (age 9 and 8) if they weren't too heavy and too tall for me - they still ask. They are both tall, strong, healthy and sporty, so it didn't do them any harm.
I found that their Dad was less likley to be rough with them when they were little (he is okay with it now), i was quite happy to wrestle with them and throw them about - kids need rough and tumble as long as they are enjoying it and you are not hurting them.
My little girl is now 20 months and she LOVES being held upside down, she has done since she was about 6 months old, she thinks its hysterically funny! She's never been dropped, we hold her by the ankles for a short while. Children like a bit of rough and tumble and they definitely know how to let you know if they don't like something!
Jesus Tambo, that was possibly one of the most disturbed posts I've ever seen. You need to speak to someone ASAP.
All three of my kids have rough and tumble, they've never been dropped or hurt in any way. Kids need rough and tumble play, it teaches them boundries, it gives them exercise, it lets them learn about risk and reward. And most of all, they love it.
I don't think it is harmful when it is done for a few seconds and the child is at least 1yr old. However if the child wasn't enjoying it or if they were under 12 months then it can be very dangerous especially if the head is shaken at the same time.