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name one thing you

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zzxxee | 06:58 Tue 15th Jun 2010 | Family & Relationships
13 Answers
have (and couldnt part with)

i want a 3 week holiday to new zealand
i need a new cooker
i have a lock of my kids hair when they were little and couldnt part with it


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I want the rest of June to be sunny so we don't have mud baths at Glastonbury.

I need to sort the garden out..

I couldn't part with my Dads Tipperary top and his clubbing jacket (he didn't really go clubbing)
For myself & my loved ones to live healthily & happily until our 90's.
A new heart and possibly a new liver. (or a Kew maxi dress I've just seen for £195)
Photos of my children growing up.
Want:- All my family to stay healthy.
Need:- To buy a lawn mower.
Have:- The special love of my granddchildren,which is irreplaceable.
I want some new pans
I need a job
I have my family
I want - my hospital tests to be okay
need - more hours in the day
have and couldn't part with - my hubby of 30 years
want - peace
need - better health
have - Big Sis
i want to go home
i need to go home
have my cat
I want to go on tour with The Rolling Stones

I need a magazine to commission my feature about touring with the Rolling Stones

I have (and couldn't part with) my wife, children and grandchildren.
andy, you've forgotten me!
I want a Starbuck's Vanilla Frappuccino...
I need a haircut...
I have my sanity... ahem...
I want my family to be healthy and happy
I need a long holiday!
I couldnt part with my memories
Want: Good Health
Need: To rebuild my garden wall
Have: The love of a great man
Want: my left ankle to heal quickly and properly
Need: nothing so important I couldn't do without it.
Have: wonderfully supportive and loving husband, family and friends

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