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Should the council help this person

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dan_dan999 | 18:34 Mon 06th Sep 2010 | Family & Relationships
69 Answers
I know of somebody who has recently moved in to temporary housing and has not long left on the waiting list until there offered a permanent council house.
This person is seperated from their partner and has been attending court hearings about the forth coming divorce, but still the finicial side of things has yet to be disclosed.
This person is also in no means short of money and I feel it is very un-fair to put themselves forward for housing until all assets have been fairly divided from the divorce. Is this normal procedure from the council? Should they help this person so soon without knowing the full out comming's of the divorce?


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£2000 isn't going to last long with storage fees of £600 pm (where the hell is she storing stuff anyway, buckingham palace?) and a car to run
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well yes it does annoy me, people wait on council lists for yrs, this person joined in january. Didnt live in this borough for more than 5mins and is now going to be awarded with a permanent house, it really pisses me off actually. I have been on the waiting list for 7yrs and now only since i was evicted (landlord sold house) am i finally getting somewhere. If i had a source of money, credit or whatever then I would have rented. I tried many times to get a private rented property befor moving in here.
its clearly the money that bothers you, why does the value of a property you dont own or the type of car you drive make you seem so bitter? what a negative destructive emotion.

if you want to make your life better then go for it, dont critisise people for the belongings they have accrued in life, council housing is available to anyone who wants to rent.
You can't know that she has money. If her Ex wasn't paying the mortgage their house might have been taken of them. She might have next to nothing.
How do you know so much about her, anyway?
ive said it once and i'll say it again THE SYSTEM SUCKS! IT DOESNT PAY TO BE HONEST NOWADAYS. Try not to stress out to much about it. If she is fiddling the system then at some point she will get caught, but this couold be a honest case of perhaps she is not as well off as she perhaps percieves.
My Cousin commented yesterday on the beautiful things I own. I sold my house and moved into OH's house. So all I legally own now is my beautiful things....
as sandy says you dont know the full extend of her her incomings and outgoings
we dont know though lotsafun, its the usual witch hunt where people get accused of fiddling the system because they bought a new coat last week or that they contract hire a disability car and therefore must be rolling in money

peoples ignorance and jealousy makes me sick..
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so she is able to have all this money recieve benefits, housing benefits well that is interesting to know.
Im not bitter, im annoyed that there is other routes to go down as I said i see how she lives, the holidays she has been on in the short time I have known her.
Yes money does come in to it when your going to get eveything paid for you and live the life of luxury. its unfair for the people that are in desperate need.
Define 'life of luxury' please..
i hope i didnt sound like im accusing her of fiddling because im not, i dont know the women. I know that you can come out of a divorce with many nice things but be tottally broke, i just stating a point that sometimes the system doesnt always seem fair. Its like i said above she may look as though she is well off but looks can be decieving
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going away on trips to disney land egypt, oz...
Well if temp council sccommodation is the life of luxury, then you must also be living it up!
but again dandan she wouldnt be able to recieve all these benefits if she had the kind of money coming in that you say she does, she wouldve had to show bank statements etc to prove that she is indeed in need of these before she was granted them.
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i know i would love to do all that but couldnt afford to and my mum who works her elbow off working 2 jobs day and night, she wouldnt be able to afford it either.
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This is what I mean as I said i went and still am going through this and had to show everything i had.
interestingly, someone i know once said they were jealous of me for receiving disability living allowance (as it represents a significant amount of money) I was literally dumbfounded. Jealous of someone who has a disability! incredible
dandan ccan i suggest if this is bothering you to the point that your thinking about it on a regular basis then report her to the benefits fraud helpline, taht way if your right about your suspicions then you can happily say youve got another fiddler off the books. However if it turns out that she is indeed honest and is infact in the same boat as you then you need to hold your hands up, apologise and admit you were in the wrong and get over it.
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i didnt say the temporary housing was luxury i said her spending is, tbh the temporary housing i live in there is nothing wrong with it. its warm clean and safe.
How do you know she's paying for these trips? When I was younger my Grandad paid for my holidays. Does that mean if I hit on hard times I can't get any benefits because my Grandad is wealthy?

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