The tax credits criteria for the disability element are as follows
Condition 1
You usually work for 16 hours or more
a week.
Condition 2
You have a disability that puts you at a
disadvantage in getting a job.
At least one of the following
descriptions must apply to you.
We may ask for the name of someone
involved in your care, like an
occupational therapist, community
nurse, district nurse or doctor, who can
confirm how your disability affects
Physical disability
• When standing you cannot keep
your balance unless you continually
hold on to something.
• You cannot walk a continuous
distance of 100 metres along level
ground without stopping or without
suffering severe pain – even when
you use your usual walking aid, such
as crutches, walking frame, walking
stick, prosthesis or similar
You cannot use either of your hands
behind your back, as if you were
putting on a jacket or tucking a shirt
into trousers.
• You cannot extend either of your
arms in front of you, as if you were
shaking hands with someone,
without difficulty.
• You cannot, without difficulty, put
either of your hands up to your
head, as if putting on a hat.
• Due to a lack of ability in using your
hands, you cannot pick up a coin
that is 2.5 centimetres or less in
diameter, such as a 10 pence coin,
with one hand.
• You find it difficult to use your hands
or arms to pick up a full, one-litre jug
and pour from it into a cup.
• You cannot turn either of
your hands sideways through 180 degrees