I know how you feel, Can't. Last year my husband, fed up with where he worked, asked his employers to move him to a new location. We lived in a large, lively town with a good rail network (London for concerts and back in an evening), had a gorgeous house and I had a good, full time job (we don't have kids though, through choice). I now live in a dead end town, miles from anywhere with no railway, it takes an hours bus ride to the nearest large town which isn't a great town either. I am now on Jobseekers Allowance, but there is a lack of jobs here.
He swings between loving the area and hating it, nagging me about work, money etc. He also comes up with harebrained ideas such as seeking medical/early retirement, moving to a smaller place/narrowboat,opening his own business etc. I know I should be grateful for a house, food etc but it is really getting me down! Best of luck!