Afternoon all, ooh have been busy, did food shopping and then brekkie with Mr N, came home and unpacked it all, put his workclothes on to wash, met gbf for coffee, came back picked up all the dog poo from the lane leading to my house and the cat poo at the side of my house (I don't have a dog and my cat poos in her box!) then cleaned the kitchen cupboards as sister would be mortified by the state of them!, made cornbeef hash for dinner. Now sitting having a cuppa. You just cAN'T BEAT A CUPPA CAN YOU?
Yes shaney the Spanish postal system is horrendous, llast week one couldn't send anything for two days as the computers were down! We are not supposed to send red, blue or anything but white envelopes and they must be the normal size, anything diffewrent getes charged a fortune, even if the card is smaller!!