Morning all...bright 'n cold, make the most of today.
Yoo hoo Joode. Sorry about the rats again, I'd be horrified. I hope you get rid of them, they could be coming from anywhere, they can climb up walls if the bricks are rough.
You couldn't make it up about the birds could you? That's exactly what happens, they hear me open the door to the garden but they can't see me, and vice versa, so when they swoop down there are often near misses but I've never had a direct hit before.
What we need shaney is one of the new Apple watches, apparently they tell you when you're being lazy and it's time to get up and exercise. Ha! Booger that. I'd take it off and put it on top of the washer. 10 minutes of juddering round the kitchen and it would be speed dialing the paramedics...or a dodgy film crew :)