Good morning biddies - lovely day here yet again, must get up and wash the bedding.
Lots of dogs being poisoned here, so awful, but I know the locals think nothing of poisoning wild cats or animals if they are fed up with the mess they create. Have to keep eyes open for any strange powder or blue grains. The trouble is there is a bright yellow powder which is used to deter animals from peeing on lampposts etc, which is harmless but hard to tell the difference.
Well must shake a leg!
Had weird dreams last night all I can remember was that I was in an Eastern European country, in a house with bright red frilly damask full length curtains, and so many of them at a window, but apparently however poor these people were, they all had this type of curtain!! Good luck to anyone trying in interpret that dream!
Oh can smell a bonfire , grrr ahhh just when I want to hang out my washing, I'll poison them!!