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Braising Steak

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MickeyTheBrick | 19:57 Thu 31st Mar 2011 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
I want to slow-cook braising steak and veg in the (electric) oven for about 5 - 6 hours. What temperature should I put it on?


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I would use a low number like 3/4 or 350.
350? Is that Fahrenheit? Didn't we stop using that about 45 years ago?

I'd think that Gas Mark 3 or 4 would be too high anyway. When I was refereeing Sunday morning football matches (often with a couple of bus journeys each way, and perhaps a visit to the pub on the way back) I'd usually be out of the house for around 5 or 6 hours. I'd often put some braising steak (or a chicken breast) in a casserole dish at Gas Mark 2 and it was always great I got home

Gas Mark 2 = 150C or (if you're still living in the dark ages) 300F.

I meant to put 180!!!
I've got a gas cooker and but couldn't remember how the temps were measured.
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Thanks for the help. The bit I liked best was about going to the pub. Because it's in your answer, Buenchico, I can tell my wife that it's a necessary part of the cooking instructions. Thanks, also, funnygirl.

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Braising Steak

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