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condensed milk

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lidlicker | 09:44 Sat 29th Oct 2011 | Food & Drink
13 Answers
By mistake I opened a tin of condensed milk instead of evaporated milk.
I was going to make a milk jelly.
Can I still make a jelly with condensed milk? Does anyone know of any recipes where I can use this without throwing it away.
Many thanks.


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Not sure but I made a similar mistake when making gypsy tart a few years back.
make tablet/fudge
Banoffee pie, Biscuit crumb base,. Condensed milk is usually cooked in tin (but safety issues anyway)so cook the condense milk in a pan , keep stirring until it turns into a soft caramel. Cool. While cooling slice bananas onto biscuit crumb base, top with the cooled caramel and finish with whipped or doubled cream.
I'll second Annes tablet suggestion :-)
Make a baked rice pudding, no need to add sugar
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Thank you all so much, I'll get busy now !
I'd eat it neat from the tin with a spoon. Condensed milk is heaven. My mum liked it on bread and butter.
Me too Prudie.
I love condensed milk with ordinary jelly!
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Boxtops is another happy condensed milker! As a child we used to buy fudge made by one of the nuns at school. It was made using condensed milk, but the problem was that once we had got the ingredients and opened the condensed milk to make it, me and my sister ate it.....
To your queston... condensed milk, besides having the water removed, contains (at least here in the U.S.) about 40% sugar (by weight) added. Therefore, if you intend to use the product in a jelly, you should remove or not add similar volume of sugar to the jelly. To add the condensed milk and the original amount of sugar to the jelly would likely cause it not to set as well as be awful tasting...

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condensed milk

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