Sew their asses off! and claim all that compensation for all your suffering. Just a minute, just how much suffering was involved here? what do you actually need compensating for?
If we ignore your misspelling of 'sue', the answer to your question is still 'No'.
The date on a bottle of Pepsi is only a 'best before' date (and not 'use by'), so it's perfectly legal to sell it. However, since your contract with the KFC franchisee was obviously based upon the assumption that you'd get an 'in date' bottle, you have the right to a refund of what you paid for the bottle (but no more).
If you come to my house you are liable to sew as I have got many clothes which need stiching.
I would advise you to go back to the branch you got this from along with the receipt if you have it. The branch manager will be only too happy to give you free meals or vouchers for food in the future to keep you quiet. I know this in the case with supermarkets so should be the same for KFC.