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Soaking beans overnight

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coccinelle | 12:24 Thu 21st Jun 2012 | Food & Drink
25 Answers
How long is overnight? 6 hours? 7 hours? 12 hours? I forgot to soak mine and put them to soak at 9am so when can I use them?


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OKey doke Tony. I must say there are a few calories in it so it's not something to do often but I do have a light version.
It's very easy to make it's just a bit long so sherrardk have a go!
Actually, you don't have to soak beans... it's just that it helps them cook quicker. If you have the time, just let them simmer for several hours. The Mexican lady I know in Nogales , Arizona that makes absolutely the best frijoles refritas in the world, never soaks the beans, but they simmer for hours.
Alternately, if you forget to soak them, pop them in the pressure cooker for about 30 to 40 minutes and they'll cook well too...
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That's good to know Clanad.

hope this helps!

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Thanks cath, worth bookmarking

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Soaking beans overnight

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