Well that's progress of a sort Chris, however if two certain cats (no names no pack drill - Max & Henry) don't buck up their ideas and stay away from the cables behind the tv and the top of the book case, you may just find yourself with 2 lodgers!! We currently have 2 hedgehogs visiting our garden (seen them both together I thought they were maybe solitary creatures) there's also a little frog who pops up now and again, but for the life of me I have no idea where he might come from as none of the neighbours have ponds! A little (brave) mouse dashes out from under the bench to pick up seeds dropped by the birds and of course last but not least our wood pigeon who daughter named Chris (no idea) who spends most of the day out there, what with the four cats in residence it's like living in a petting zoo! You will either have to sit up all night to find out what is taking the food or set up night vision cameras - won't that be fun?