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The Gregg's Boson Particle

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DTCwordfan | 16:47 Sat 03rd Nov 2012 | Food & Drink
41 Answers
I discovered this on the Internet

Finally, Cornish scientists have found the missing part of what makes a Greggs' pasty so "nice".

The Large Pasty Collider, located close to Helston (a stone's throw from Lady J) used a medium Cornish pasty and a steak bake and the resultant collision between these two pastry delights (well one's a delight and the other garbage) gave evidence of the already-established fundamental particles of gravy, gristle, entrails, genitalia, onions, pastry, lukewarmness and now, finally, the elusive "Greggs boson", the particle responsible for giving such a hideous combination of crap it's so called delicious taste, has been identified as part of this.


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Your ice-cream reference reminded me that we had mojito sorbets on holiday - delicious.
You can't beat a proper Cornish pasty.
I was only teasing dt x

though I did have an image of a dimly lit Scrumpy and Western club...
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lol.......(I know)
...and a bloke in a plaid shirt sidling up..

anyway, what's the cock and hen pasty thing all about then?
Right and left handed crimping .I'm a hen ..right hander .....but I just cobble them together :)
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sloopy, shaney has just answered - how the pasty is finished as to the crimp
Heck, there's more than one way!
The stuff you learn on here
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God gave the Cornish two hands, maybe 12 fingers in places like Camborne and St Just.........
Gawd! could have used 12 fingers at the Bosigran cliffs at Zennor.
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trying to get up them to the Tinners, seadogg?
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Memories of a fine alehouse, though we also got up to the Gurnard's Head.
Don't all rush at once ...and there are no soggy bottoms :)
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those look good, shaney......

note the difference with Greggs, folks; shaney's have no Gregson Boson's Particles in them!
Yep, they look good, shaney, yum yum.
Shaney, bread pudding excellent, however, have become addicted. Any ideas? is addictive .I'm making one tomorrow for my brother .I like it hot with cold custard,cream or ice cream .Stick to your ribs grub :)

They look really great. So that's a hen pastie then
They really look good Shaney, I fancy one now.

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