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Apple Crumble

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Smowball | 16:02 Tue 15th Jan 2013 | Food & Drink
23 Answers
Do you cook your apples a bit first, or do you dice the apples and put them in the dish raw?


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Cook them but not for too long.
hello smowball X

i have never made it, although my mother used to ....she would cook the apples a little first
personally I don't cook them first but that is how we like it, cos this way they keep their shape and have a little crunch to them. If you want a sloppy apple cook for a little while first.
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Hmmm, well i always cook them a bit first, but just seen a recipe online which says dice the apples into 1cm squares then put straight in dish with the sugar etc, and it has 92 good reviews.
I used to make apple crumble myself - however i buy it now cos i'm too lazy , i suppose .
I never use to cook the apples before .

I had some from Asda last night .
When i'm having it after cooking , I always put the crumble to one side in the serving dish and the apple to the other side . I then eat the apple part first and then have the crumble last .

Complimented by custard of course .

Do you think that's slightly odd ?
I slice my apples thinly and don't pre-cook them, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon then put the topping on.
i haven't made it for a long time but i used to stew 2/3 of the apple as usual then add diced raw apple then the crumble and cook (i would also put ground almonds into the crumble mixture)

then you have a nice mix of the two
Just after looking at Tesco's apple crumble - oh no - don't like hard apples - they are all just taken out of a big tin of apples - not stewey enough for me. Ugh
I just soften them slightly in a saucepan, then add the sugar when they're in the pie dish. And don't forget the cinnamon. Mmmmm.
Connemara - so does Stewey know about this?
I prefer my fruit stewed when it goes in crumbles and pies, probably because I'm a lazy eater ;)
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Well im giving it a go without cooking them, will let you know how it turned out lol. Ive also got thick double cream and custard!!
let us know how it goes Smow and if you prefer it
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Will do : )

Ive also done an orange bread and butter pudding - yummm!
I purée the apples first, don't like hard bits of fruit in a crumble.
I looove delias marmalade bread and butter pud, I bet an orange one is pretty good too.
I always cook my apples first, same as for a pie
I soak sultanas in brandy or similar and add to the apples which I cook lightly. Also use a little cinnamon in the crumble topping.
Oh anniebird, you are really making me feel hungry.Ive made many a n apple crumble in my time, but the addition of brandy soaked sultanas i sounds brill. Yummy!
I always cube the apples and keep them raw. x
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Well the crumble came out lovely. the apple cubes were cooked with a bit of bite but everybody loved it!

As for the orange bread and butter pudding - I soaked the dried fruit in cointreau overnight, then added orange zest to the milk/egg mixture that I poured over the bread - was deeelicious!

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