Music0 min ago
Old School Dinners
6 Answers
Back in the 70's we used to have something on our puddings that we called jungle juice , a kind of light pink sticky liquid that we poured over sponge .Does anyone remember this ,and know what exactly it is?
For you. http:// www. littlestuff. co. uk/ 2011/ 01/ school- dinners- recipes- pink- custard/ If it wasn't that it was probably rose hip syrup.
09:37 Mon 15th Apr 2013
For you.
http:// www.lit tlestuf /2011/0 1/schoo l-dinne rs-reci pes-pin k-custa rd/
If it wasn't that it was probably rose hip syrup.
If it wasn't that it was probably rose hip syrup.
according to this, rosehip syrup http:// www.dam sels.or g/forum /showth p/21232 0-Favou rite-sc hool-di nners