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Actually Used The Slow Cooker

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sherrardk | 21:07 Tue 05th Nov 2013 | Food & Drink
27 Answers
After putting it off for two weeks I plucked up the courage and used my slow cooker today. Didn't think it was actually going to cook the food so faffed about with it and lifted the lid far too often but it actually worked. Now just need to find some more recipes I like the look of.


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There are loads of slow cooker recipe books out there. Do you belong to the library if you dont want to buy any?
understood sherr, Id start out on the basis of cooking it "early" and its done and knowing you can either leave it on low, or switch it back on to warm up for an hour

trt, I bung the jelly in with the stock from the carcass, made over 24 hours in the....

note to self, get out more
Have it for breakfast on toast
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Good thinking Humber, know I sound like a control freak, but tea time is tea time (I do chill out on holidays though).
That's the recipe I'm doing on Thursday, looks really good.
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I actually ate some and I never eat what I cook for everyone else (I doubled up everything).
I switch mine on in the morning, and it goes off when we are ready to eat, never had a problem yet, and we eat about 6pm usually

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