I make Jamie Oliver's Christmas gravy, do it beforehand and bung it in the freezer til I need it. It is a lot of faffing about though, but tastes nice.
I used to buy Tesco turkey gravy but the taste changed and wasn't as nice.
The M&S one will probably be nice but would cost me about £12 for us lot.
Would there be enough flavoursome stock from a crown for a made gravy ?? I have no clue, we always had rib of beef - a simple fillet steak for little me this year.
Might treat them to the M & S one then (but I will do everything else myself (unless I see a really good deal on pre-cleaned veg) and I will make the Yorkies myself).
My mother and grandmother made turkey gravy from the giblets. There were bones involved with the giblets (the neck, I think) but the bones are not the be-all and end-all of the stock. If you don`t buy a turkey with giblets, then you can`t get a really decent gravy. Sainsbury`s do one which is supposed to be OK although I haven`t tried it.