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Getting Fit!

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mckenzieraae | 00:26 Thu 29th May 2014 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
hi, so my names Mckenzie. I'm very interested in someone to help me lose my extra belly fat for this summer. I am currently pushing 105 pounds and and not looking to necessarily lose weight, but have my abs show and be more tone. I am 14 and dance 3 days a week for over 2 hours every night. I try to run a mile or two every week and do exercises for my arms, butt, and abs as well. the only problem is, I don't know what to eat and when to eat. I love food and find myself eating when I'm bored. I don't really know how many calories I should take in either. if someone is willing to help me I would be very grateful. I am really trying to reach my goal before I head to the beach which is July 21-30. This may be killer but I am up for anything!! Please help! If you need to message me please let me know. Thanks! Kik is Arigrandes_


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you seem pretty light to me. you're still growing so I don't think you should obsess about your weight/diet yet.(if ever)
Totally agree with Svejk, but if you find yourself eating when you're bored, have a large glass of water instead. It will fill you up and you'll eat less.
As to being bored, can I suggest that you investigate doing some work for your neighbours- cut the grass, run errands, etc. with any luck they'll pay you for this. Tell them what you are saving up for - a new bicycle, college whatever, and it will give you an incentive and beat the boredom. Good luck. You sound like a pretty grounded person and I think you will do well.
>"I try to run a mile or two every week"
That's a good start but I would suggest doing at least a couple of miles around 3 times a week, and also try to walk a couple of miles each day
You need to be careful with your exercises. If you don't exercise the opposing muscle as well you could be storing up problems for later on.
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