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Savlok | 21:02 Wed 06th Aug 2014 | Food & Drink
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I subscribed to Which magazine about 6 months ago and they have always been banging on about how good Aldi is. As a regular Waitrose customer I took the plunge and went into Aldi. My god !!.... full of smack heads... wine/champagne absolute rubbish.. I shall be cancelling my Which subscription pronto !!! Does anyone feel the same way or do we still have to endure this crap from Germany (I think - actually I don't give a toss where its from) .


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Waitrose eh? Did you wear a suitable disguise to go to Aldi? You wouldn't have wanted anyone to see you in there, surely? ;-)
21:07 Wed 06th Aug 2014
they sell drugs ?
I digressed ^^ Aldi is OK for fresh fruit and veg, toilet rolls and cleaning stuff, tinned fruit. I always spend more than I should there buying chocolates and nuts; but I still do my main shopping at Asda/morrisons for bread and certain meat. So on the whole I don't save any money by going there,
And the car park spaces aren't nearly big enough for ones Bentley. Frightful place.
I like Aldi's dishwasher tablets, they work brilliantly in my dishwasher (better than those that are twice the price).
Zacs one should not take the Bentley to do the shopping.
Perhaps Savlok is the manager of a Lidl....and Aldi is opening nearby....

What's a smackhead?
Gness, lean closer and I'll show you.
No...just tell me, Zacs......☺
It's a druggie Gness.
Thanks, Jeza...I thought it was something on offer and I might nip in to get some......x
Watch Aldi as they have big big plans, 100's of new stores over the next 5 years or so. The powerful multiples are worried, Asda, Tesco etc are trying to muscle them out but they're not budging, they have plans!
"hundreds of new stores over the next 5 years"....then they`ll put their prices up!
Aldi and the other discounters (Lidl, Farmfoods etc) are quite happy to work on a 11-15% margin unlike the majors who want 30-35% and try to force suppliers to reduce their costs accordingly. Why would Aldi change a successful policy?

.....I don't work for Aldi!!......just shop there.
The people in Aldi work really hard for their money, you don't see them slopping about and chewing gum. They are the nicest shop assistants here - Asda are second.
It's good that there are snobs about. They help keep the expensive outlets in business, and we need the diversity. It would be horrible if there was only Aldi and Lidl left. Having the choice is what matters.
When I lived in Bristol there was an Aldi quite near me, but now that I have moved my nearest supermarket is Waitrose, which is always cited as the dearest. However, if you shop carefully you can often get bargains there, for instance at the moment they are selling Cranberry Juice at half price so I have been stocking up on that while it is cheap (I like it and drink it regularly). Fortunately I have plenty of cupboards. If there was an Aldi in the shopping centre I would certainly use it, I always found their foods excellent.
I reckon Savlok is an Aldi marketing employee.
"full of smack heads" - how condescending. Very strange first post Savlok but like everyone else on AB you are entitled to your opinion. I shop around and use Asda, Lidl, Aldi, Farmfoods etc. etc. A litre of milk tastes the same no matter where you buy from but when it comes to cost I'll go to Farmfoods every time. PS we don't have a Waitrose in Dundee - don't think there are many in Scotland.
I haven't seen any other smackheads when I shop in Aldi.
I notice savlok's not come back..... what a load of old rope he writes. Aldi provides excellent value for money, and their continental food - and their wine, don't give me that, savlok - is perfectly good. Shame to make such a snobby and supercilious first post - I don't think anybody agrees with you.

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