The good old days are whenever you were a child.
For example, the good old days for me were back in the 1950s/60s, when we couldn't afford to heat the house (even in the coldest weather) until well into the winter, when 'food' equalled 'boring stodge', when everyone expected to get chilblains every winter, when parents and teachers routinely hit their children for the slightest misdemeanours, when the physical and sexual abuse of children took place but everyone turned a blind eye to it, when there was just one TV channel, when we never went away on holiday because we couldn't afford it, when families were terrified of diseases such as smallpox and polio, when children could play alone on dangerous building sites, when men could only wear sombre colours, when women had to spend hours (and money they could ill-afford) getting permanent waves, when TV interviewers treated politicians like gods,when there was dog poo on every pavement, when children's entire futures were determined by a single examination at the age of 11, . . .
Ah, yes, those were the good old days ;-)