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' Caveman / Jungle Diet '

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kylesmum | 02:00 Sun 07th Dec 2014 | Weight Loss & Dieting
13 Answers
I had a health was more than enough for me to scare myself such an extent I bailed out the hospital as I thought I was dying! Seems wasn't, so on that note I decided I would take my whole self in charge, (I'm so not that type of person...I was terrified)

Right :


NO FATS (apart from unavoidable fats)

NO CARBS (apart from a weetabix with skimmed milk)

Fish and as much veg, no weighing, lashed into a steamer (best thing ever ever ever!!) Just lush with a sweet tattie in the micro....yum

As much veg as you can eat...make them into curries, chillis with lentils, sweet potatoes (done in the microwave for 5 mins).

Fat free Greek Yoghurt with sweet chiili sauce lashed in, or any kind of chutney, chop some veg up....what a lovely later evening treat.

The key is...make sure you have a flavour in your mouth...bland is dull :)

I drank diluted Vimto (still fact I do most of above but I dont have to now ; )

I'll have missed loads likely but it was a head start....I worked long and hard on this diet .


Leave a message for me...i'll have forgotten doubt !!!


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This isn't really like Paleo...more like Dukan,as there seems to be an emphasis on low fat. Also,with weetabix and lentils/pulses,it is not really low/no carb. If you are are going to cut out carbs,its necessary to up fat consumption...good fats include,olive oil,butter(yes,its good!),avocados,nuts,and the fat that is on your meat. Lean is not the...
10:40 Sun 07th Dec 2014
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I also bought tins of black eyed peas. chick peas etc etc etc.One tin along with a big bowl of chopped veg seasoned with sweet chilli sauce lasted 2 days.

Remember you're on a diet....this is balanced, you'll feel hungry I daresay but after a few days you dont.You adjust and have excess's amazing.
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I didn't know at the time there was a name for it as I thought i'd just made it up to suit me but later I discovered the Paleo diet was similar 1ozzy :)
when my hubby did this i cooked him butternut squash instead of potatoes lovely roasted or cut them into chip shapes .
Weetabix is loaded with carbs...I replaced deadly cereals with egg and veg stir-fry or eggs and bacon.
Best of luck.
Personally I don't agree with cutting out food groups entirely though. What encouraged you to opt for that ?
What about fruit KM - is it allowed? If not, I'm afraid that's me out!
Thanks for posting this after I asked you last night x
This isn't really like Paleo...more like Dukan,as there seems to be an emphasis on low fat. Also,with weetabix and lentils/pulses,it is not really low/no carb. If you are are going to cut out carbs,its necessary to up fat consumption...good fats include,olive oil,butter(yes,its good!),avocados,nuts,and the fat that is on your meat. Lean is not the answer. Yes to eating plenty of veg,especially leafy green ones....root veg are higher carb and everyone tolerates them differently.Modified Paleo may also include some dairy...full fat. When you switch to low carb you are switching from using carbs as your fuel to using fat. Carbs spike insulin,and insulin is a hormone that encourages fat storage...not fat burning. Fat has been demonized for 40-50 years as a health threat,when more and more research is disputing that. Also,low carb diets have been shown to be extremely beneficial for diabetics...controlling blood glucose through diet rather than drugs. Surely a good thing.
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Jomlett...I decided to have a weetabix to ensure I had some carbs. BP was 220/110 and cholesterol was so high the lab were unable to read it.My brother had a heart attack when he was 42, he survived it.We both had relatively healthy lifestyles but we just have to be more aware I guess than most people.
Ann...fruit would be just fine. As much as I enjoy fruit I enjoy veg more. It's not calorie controlled.I based it on wanting to eat natural foods before they became processed.
mallyh...good tip, i'm partial to butternut squash :)
If you are eating lots of veggies,you are getting plenty of carbs. Legumes/pulses also have more than enough carbs in them.
Question Author weren't there when I posted....sorry !
What an interesting comprehensive answer, think you've hit the nail on the head.
That's precisely what I was aiming for when I stripped my diet bare and started from scratch. I tried to balance it as much as possible but I was quite naturally terrified of fat in any shape or form. My GP had taken a pic of my blood in the phial,a deep layer of fat had settled on the top of it.He had taken the photo to show his colleagues but after I had discharged myself from the hospital I guess he though scare tactics were needed. It scared me witless..
I'm not sure how ethical that was given it's a hereditary condition but it worked...I was terrified.
Thanks for your input and for making sense of my diet for me :) Starting again tomorrow, have been a bit lax lately !
And thank you for *your* respnse,kylesmum! Many people don't understand how a diet/lifestyle change such as yours can obviously it has. We are all different. ;-)
I read the title and thought that it meant you had to go out with a spear and floor a passing impala and drag it home to your lair.
Good luck with your diet KM. xx

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