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Home Made Butter

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bednobs | 15:00 Sun 05th Jul 2015 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
hi, i just made some butter - what kind of shelf life will it have? is it going to be the same as the cream that made it, or now ive changed it's state, will it be longer. Unsalted.


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Apparently it keeps for a couple of weeks in the fridge but can also be frozen and keeps for months in the freezer.
How much did you make bednobs? If its loads then I'd freeze some, but if not then I'd just keep it in the fridge and use it till its gone.
What's it like? I've wanted to try making my own for ages.
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thanks - the cream was a few days out of date, but tasted ok. The butter tastes like, well, butter! a 600 ml cream made what looks like just a bit bigger than a 250 g butter

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Home Made Butter

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