With all concerns about the dangers of processed meats in the news lately, do you think it would be wiser to opt for unsmoked, or would it make no difference ?
According to the last paragraph here, unsmoked might be a bit healthier but I`m not sure by how much. http://magazine.foxnews.com/food-wellness/truth-about-bacon If it`s the nitrites that are bad (apart from the red meat) then I`m surprised nobody has mentioned anything about smoked fish.
The report I heard the other day was that this effects 34,000 people in the world each year. Considering the population of the world is 6 billion + another scare story. Eat in moderation and not 3 meals a day. I have bought smoked bacon for the morning. Our Sunday treat.
Any miniscule additional risk is not worth opting for the less tasty choice to avoid. Just have all you wish in moderation. Life's too short to go overboard on the safety aspect.
Absolutely not difference to us. Happily, our bacon and sausages come from very local pigs and are wonderfully transformed by local butcher. We are so fortunate in that (but it was a consideration in our decision as to where to move). Nor worried about smoking meat.