Music0 min ago
I Am Looking For Chocolates
13 Answers
As above I am looking for Cadburys Chocolates ONLY I want them to ALL caramels. (Hard carmels) the little square ones with 3 stripes. Can I get this done . thansk
Best Answer
No best answer has yet been selected by jennyjoan. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here.
For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.They sell them in 160g Share Packs
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=c adbury+ caramel s+160g& amp;esp v=2& ;biw=13 66& bih=662 &tb m=isch& amp;img il=gAsQ y4ts9rr sFM%253 A%253BC yI-LL8m KJCjuM% 253Bhtt ps%2525 3A%2525 2F%2525 2Fwww.w oolwort au%2525 2FShop% 25252FB rowse%2 5252Fco nfectio nery-sn acks%25 252Fcho colate- share-p acks%25 253Fnam e%25252 53Dcadb ury-sno wballs- family% 2525252 6produc tId%252 5253D26 6878&am p;sourc e=iu&am p;pf=m& amp;fir =gAsQy4 ts9rrsF M%253A% 252CCyI -LL8mKJ CjuM%25 2C_& ;usg=__ DcoJig0 QEamM7N r0wyege Ka6ETM% 3D& ved=0ah UKEwiCj b-Su8bQ AhVYFMA KHWh0DU 4QyjcIO Q&e i=TYU5W MKyNtio gAbo6LX wBA#img rc=gAsQ y4ts9rr sFM%3A
My local Morrisons and Tesco has them , even my corner shop has them !
My local Morrisons and Tesco has them , even my corner shop has them !
As the Cadbury product seems hard to source, have you considered trying Thorntons, they have outlets in Belfast.
http:// www.tho rntons. hocolat e-bags/ bag-of- milk-ch unky-ca ramels- 103g-63 973.htm l
I know you said ONLY but just an idea.
I know you said ONLY but just an idea.