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Vagus | 12:47 Fri 15th Nov 2019 | Food & Drink
26 Answers
Do you treat it like pasta and serve it with something you serve pasta with? Or does it suit particular sauce?


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tomato sauce works well, like a ragu
i love it with anything..
Several sauces you could serve with gnocchi here:-
just treat it as a pasta base
It goes very well with Pesto but you could have it with any sauce you desire. It's like a pasta and a potato mixed together so it goes with most sauces quite well.
I tried it once. Never again
Garlic, butter, and parmesan for me.
i first had Gnocci with ragu sauce in the USA and found it lovely.
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What didn’t you like about it hc...the texture or the sauce you had it with, or something else?
some don't like the texture because it's quite bland on it's own, you need a decent sauce to go with it.
I wasn't a fan either. I bought it fresh but ready made. I said I'd try and make my own but haven't bothered.

I've always seen it served as pasta normally would be.
ummmm, home made gnocchi is very time consuming and is never as good as fresh shop bought.
Do not bother with making it yourself. Deciding to make it from scratch can be compared to making pasta from scratch.
//Deciding to make it from scratch can be compared to making pasta from scratch.//
And a lot more fiddly.
I tried to get OH to buy me a pasta machine thingy. It was a big fat NO.

I've never eaten a dumpling but gnocchi is how I imagine a dumpling would taste except smaller!
I can't get on with the texture of gnocchi either.
Gnocchi does not have the same characteristics as a dumpling. But saying that, I am unsure how to give a description of what gnocchi is like to eat.

I personally like it, but only in small portions.
Maybe I should try a dumpling :-)

I'll put it on my bucket list.
Do you mean a stew dumpling Ummmm or an Asian gyoza style?
I like it fried

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