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Tea Pot Or Not?

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jack daniels | 18:43 Mon 16th Dec 2019 | Food & Drink
43 Answers
Just out of interest, I was wondering:
1) how many people still use a teapot?
2) Do you use tea bags or loose tea?
3) Do you make it in a cup/mug every time?
4) Milk in first or after?
5) do you have any 'rituals' in tea making that you always stick to & follow?



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not. teabag. I have about 3 favourite mugs. Milk in after, no, no rituals
Teabag in a mug, milk always in after., then sugar It's only me here so no point using a teapot. I can't drink it very often though as I'm not too good with milk. I can drink coffee with soya milk but tea just doesn't taste right with it to me. My tea has to be weak and milky with sugar. I usually drink coffee without sugar but not tea.
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Old_Geezer - you can't drink me!!
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gingejbee, I imagine you like Ginger beer lol
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gingejbee, wow that's a long time for tea bag to brew
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I forgot to say, I use a teapot occasionally but I have a 2 cup teapot, 3 cup & a 5 cup teapot & one of the Boden clear ones. Black tea in mug first, then milk, then sugar
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Thank you for your replies, it's interesting. I find the flavour of loose tea very different to tea bags. I prefer: PG, Typhoo, Yorkshire tea, I find a stronger flavour. My husband like the Thompsons tea bags (red pouch) which I find weaker
Teabag in a mug, no milk and occasionally with a slice of fresh ginger, or lemon.oh and no sugar.
Nope if its in a pot
no milk
spill some over the Princess Royal because she always wants some, (the cat)
Tea bag in china mug..boiling water..stir.. then milk..stir again to desired strength..remove bag.
Loose Kenyan tea in a teapot when I`m home. Tea bags when I`m travelling. Milk in afterwards.
I see this question has been answered with infusiasm...
Gag at the sniff of tea, never ever drank it
There used to be an Indian Tea Centre in Oxford street. It was a cheap place to eat posh when shopping because they were there to advertise the tea. At home we always had Brook Bond. Trying Darjeeling at about the age of 13 was a revelation. I used to have a pot of darjeeling and a prawn sandwich. Prawns were expensive then. It was an amazing treat.
Never owned a teapot. Whenever I have tried them at someone else's, it always ends up colder and weaker.
Coffee mostly these past 25 years, I used to have a tea-pot a mystery what happened to that. When making a brew of tea Mug + Teabag + milk then the boiling water.
1) Yes
2) both
3) sometimes
4) after
5) hot water usually ☺☺☺
No teapot, I don't own one.
Tea bags...usually Yorkshire tea.
Milk after.

No rituals. I only drink tea if I've ran out of coffee.
Yorkshire tea bags in a pot, leave to brew for a bit. Milk in first
Herbal tea bag in a cup.

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