Food We Hated in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Food We Hated

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Dagman | 12:39 Thu 27th Aug 2020 | Food & Drink
78 Answers
Hi ab'ers, I'm sitting here munching pickled gherkins, absolutely love them, however up until 5 years ago hated them! Have you a similar food you once hated but now love, or even the other way round?
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Oh , liver and Tripe too
Yet I love the smell of liver and onions frying
Clover J, fish in white sauce wasa favourite meal for me as a child, but not with parsley.
And I can't stand coriander.
Kippers are lush, as is belly pork and cauliflower.
I'm dead parky JD :0/
Have you never had Craster kippers?
No but I've been and bought some in the Smoking sheds up there for Mr B
I feel a bit guilty that I've never liked yoghurt, way back when it first appeared on the shops, the 60s, Ski I think, I tried because one was made to feel so inferior for not liking it, a bit like burping on church, since then I keep having a go but can't manage it.
I've always loved liver, I used to be sent to the butchers for 1/4 lb of liver as I was the pnly one who ate it.
I remember the Craster kippers I bought many years ago - and they're on my list for our upcoming Northumberland break - along with the walk from Craster to Dunstanburgh Castle.
Contrary to most folk the only liver I like is ox liver. To me lamb's liver and pig's liver are tasteless.
Chicken livers are my favourite.
'Foie de genisse' is the best liver I've eaten. Sold in UK as 'rose liver' if you can get it. Simply wonderful just lightly fried with onions.
Génisse is a heifer, i.e. a cow that has not yet calved.
If only Satan had offered Eve a parsnip, she would have said No and we would never have fallen from grace :-)
Cabbage. Love it now.
Hated as a kid, that green splurge lurking at the side of my plate, now love cabbage with pepper, and lo!e to drink cabbage water too.
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Love the smell of kippers, had them as a kid but hated picking the bones out though!
I know, JD, I should have translated, but my butcher says that the title 'rose liver' sells better. :)

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