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saintpeter48 | 13:01 Sat 10th Oct 2020 | Food & Drink
14 Answers
I can't seem to find it in supermarkets, I've tried Sainsbury, Tesco and Waitrose without luck, they used to stock it a few years ago, what has happened to Vegemite?
It is available online at Amazon, but why is it not attainable in supermarkets, any ideas?


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No ideas I'm afraid. Is it much different from Marmite?
It's an Australian concoction so may not be as acceptable to the English palate as Marmite. If it doesn't sell they won't stock it.
I personally don't much like vegemite, it's a bit thicker and grainier than marmite, but I think it's big in Oz.
Marmite is vegan, would that help?
It tastes the same as marmite to me but the texture is not very nice. The both taste naff either way :-)
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Ummmm ... when I put it into my basket it says, 'sorry product not available'.
That's annoying.
Sometimes an item is not available in the shop from which your order is collected...but could be in-store in another. And vice versa.
Apparently, Morrisons and Ocado have it.
Vegemite, like Marmite, is made from leftover brewers' yeast. With pubs in many parts of the world having been shut down due to Covid-19, there's been less beer produced by the breweries and consequently less leftover yeast. It's certainly affected the manufacture of Marmite
so perhaps the same applies to Vegemite?
Both Vegemite and Marmite (apart ftom the 70g size) are vegan.

There must be some reason the 70g size is different because only that size of Marmite is Kosher.
Vegemite was originally named Parwill.
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