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What Is Your Favourite Pie ?

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Canary42 | 18:36 Wed 02nd Dec 2020 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
Apropos JJ's other thread, just for fun, what is your favourite pie ?

Steak and Kidney for me.


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Clarkes pie.
Steak for me - definitely no kidney in it.
Cheese and onion, especially if the cheese is strong.
Is this pie week?

As I said on Piggynose's thread yesterday - Steak and kidney, my own.
Scotch pie with mushy peas and mint sauce.
Jim i love a scotch pie with a tin of beans over the top of it! MMMM

Steak pie but home made with sausages in it YUMMMMM. Xx
chicken leek and mushroom followed by an apple or cherry pie, loads of local clotted cream too.
Hot apple and blackberry with ice cream
Jock pie
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Yum yum, some tempting alternatives turning up.
Probably chicken peri peri
are you a strapping lad, Martin? Though I, for one, wouldn't want a pie made from your jocks....
Sorry, folks; I'm vegetarian. I don't preach about it; but the Lord will strike down the unbelievers who dare to steal Life from the Lord thy God and who thereby usurp the power of the Ultimate Creator. Only I am allowed to sniff and enjoy the delectable whiff of burning flesh, which alone persuades me to forgive the upstart ants between my itching toes! I have spoken (Yes; I am talking to you Locusts, Fiveleaves, Theland......)
Chicken and mushroom, must be in puff pastry though.
Agree ^
Meat and potato and the bigger the pie, the better!
Pecan toffee
If we're talking 'sweet', then lemon meringue.
I grew up in Scotland, mother was Scottish and it was always called jock pie.
I’m female by the way.
Cherry pie for a sweet one, Melton Mowbray for a savoury one. Or maybe a cheese and onion one.

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